One senior security officer described the problem as like trying to follow the random brownian motion of particles in a teapot. 一名高级安全官员形容就像是在追踪一个茶壶里面所有粒子的布朗运动。
Impulse and momentum change; rocket equation; origin of pressure from random motion. 冲量,动量的改变;火箭方程;随机运动的压力作用点。
At a high temperature the random molecular motion is more vigorous than at a low temperature. 分子的无规律运动在高温时比在低温时更激烈。
The Probability Density and Uncertainty Relation of any one of Stars with Random Motion in Irregular Galactic System 不规则星系中星体随机运动的几率密度与天体不确定关系
Moreover, since the atoms are in random thermal motion the frequency spectrum will be altered by the Doppler effect. 而且,由于原子是在作无规则热运动,多普勒效应也会使频谱发生改变。
A large number of random motion of molecules called thermal motion. 大量分子的无规则运动称为热运动。
The system input in this case is turbulent air which produces random pitching motion of the vehicle. 在此情况下,系统的输入是紊流大气,它使飞行器产生随机俯仰运动。
The vibrations which constitute a wave in a gas superposed on the random thermal motion. 气体中形成波的振动叠加在这种无规则热运动上。
Molecular diffusion occurs in a gas as a result of the random motion of the molecules. 气体中的分子扩散是由分子的不规则运动产生的。
The random motion of small particles suspended in a gas or liquid. 悬浮在液体或气体中的微粒的无规则运动。
The safe basin and capsizing route of nonlinear random motion of the ship in the high seas are investigated in this paper. 研讨了随机海浪中船舶非线性随机横摇运动倾覆过程和安全域问题。
Phenomenon is the large number of hot material in the random motion of molecules collective performance. 热现象是物质中大量分子无规则运动的集体表现。
The random motion of the droplets and the fractal characteristics of droplet sizes distribution during dropwise condensation were investigated. It is found that the motion and size distribution of droplets are related to the contact angles and the contact angle hysteresis. 分析研究了滴状冷凝实验过程中液滴的随机运动行为以及液滴分布的分形特征,发现液滴的运动和分布与接触角及接触角滞后有关。
Thereafter, the process of calculating the safe basin of ships 'random motion with cell mapping method is developed and the computer program is worked out considering the instantaneous states and random waves. 考虑船舶运动的瞬时状态,发展了胞映射方法计算随机非线性横摇运动安全域的方法,并编制了计算机程序。
Asymptotic Properties and Fractal of a Simple Random Motion 一个简单随机运动的渐近性及分形
Within this framework, we propose two promising techniques: random motion sampling and motion path synthesis. 在此框架下,提出了两项新的运动合成技术:随机运动采样和运动路径合成;
In electricity market the price of electricity depends on the common effect of many factors and a very complicated random motion appears in its evolution process. 在电力市场环境下,电价取决于众多因素的共同作用,它的演化过程呈十分复杂的不规则运动。
The random motion is usually neglected when evaluating the laser irradiation power. 一般估算辐照功率时常忽略目标的随机运动。
A competition between the photoinduced reorientation and the thermal random motion is employed to explain this temperature dependence. 一种竞争机制被用来解释这一温度依赖特性,即在双折射形成的过程中,存在着光致取向和随机热运动之间的竞争。
Synthetic aperture sonar imaging is affected by random motion and medium instability. 合成孔径声呐(syntheticaperturesonar,简称SAS)载体的随机运动、声波传播媒质不稳定等会影响成像的质量。
The chaotic motion, the random motion and the periodic motion can be identified effectively by use of the sub-frequency band power distribution in the signal total power. The characteristic frequency of chaotic motion is extracted. 利用各子带功率在信号总功率中的分布状况,有效地识别出周期运动、混沌运动与随机运动,提取了混沌运动的特征频率。
The method of WAS was used in simulating the random earthquake motion field. 采用谐波合成法(WAWS法)对随机地震动场进行了模拟。
Analysis of the Fuzzy Random Response of Nonlinear Dashpots Subjected to the Random Motion Excitation of Some Supports 非线性减震器在某些支承随机运动激励下的模糊随机响应分析
Diffusion MRI can be used to study the random motion and transportation of water molecule protons in vivo, which has a high clinical value. 扩散MRI可以研究活体生物组织中水的运动和输运过程,有很高的临床应用价值。
With the influence of random motion errors on bistatic SAR, a method to analyze root mean square resolution is proposed. 3. 分析了随机运动误差对双基地合成孔径雷达系统的影响,提出了分析随机运动误差下系统均方根分辨率的方法。
CPSO is able to make it back to the random motion state from local optimum, and then introduce the harmony search algorithm for global optimization again. 混沌粒子群算法能够使原来已经陷入局部最优的状态回到随机的运动状态,之后引入和声搜索算法再次进行全局寻优。
The method is based on the kinetic theory of gas molecules, which assumes that the gas molecules do irregular thermal motion, and obtains the whole motion of the diffusion of gas by simulating a large number of random motion of molecules. 由于该方法借鉴气体分子动理论,假定烟雾粒子做一定规则的扩散运动,通过模拟大量粒子的运动来获得扩散气体的整体运动规律,因此具有模型简单直观,过程真实可靠的特性。
Consequently, the turbulence is composed of the deterministic chaos and the random noise, where the motion of large eddies in the turbulence follows the rule of chaotic motion and the random noise arises from the random motion of small eddies in the turbulence. 由此可见,湍流可分解为确定性的混沌和随机噪声两部分,其中湍流中大涡的运动遵循混沌运动规律,而湍流中小涡的随机运动构成了湍流的随机噪声。
Visual target detection and tracking often becomes very difficult in real environments due to many factors such as illumination variation, dynamic background, object rotation, scale variation, occlusion, target complicated and random motion. 例如,在自然条件下,光照变化、动态背景、目标旋转、伸缩、被遮挡、目标运动的复杂性和随机性等因素都会使得目标检测和跟踪变得非常困难。
The evader motion pattern is classified as random motion mode and active evasion motion mode, the Point to Point ( PTP) pursuit mode and Intelligent Cooperation Pursuit ( ICP) mode of pursuers were designed and the mathematical models of evader and pursuer motions are defined. 研究中将Evaders运动分为随机运动模式和主动逃避运动模式,设计了Pursuers的点到点追逐模式(PTP)和智能合作追逐模式(ICP),建立了Evaders/Pursuers运动数学模型。